#!/bin/bash MGS= declare -A git_repos=( [lustre-release]=git://git.hpdd.intel.com/fs/lustre-release.git [spl]=https://github.com/zfsonlinux/spl.git [zfs]=https://github.com/thegreatgazoo/zfs.git ) declare -A git_branches=( [lustre-release]=b2_9 [zfs]=draid # leave spl at 'master' ) declare -a zfs_depends=( zlib-devel uuid-devel libuuid-devel libblkid-devel libattr-devel ) declare -a lustre_depends=( ) error() { local -i rc=$1 shift echo "$@" >/dev/tty exit $rc } script="$0" [ -f "$script" ] || script=$(type -p $0) [ -f "$script" ] || error 1 "No script '$0'." name=$(basename "$script") node="$1" [ -z "$node" ] && error 0 "Use: $0 " shift action="$1" completed=no [ -z "$action" ] && action=init has_mark() { test -d ~/.setup-node/. -a -f ~/.setup-node/$1 } set_mark() { [ -d ~/.setup-node/. ] || mkdir ~/.setup-node echo $1 $(date '+%F %T.%N %z') > ~/.setup-node/$1 } finally() { [ "$completed" = 'off' ] && return [ "$completed" = 'yes' ] && set_mark $action } trap finally EXIT there() { ssh -t -X "root@$node" "$@" } perform_build() { [ -f configure ] || { sh ./autogen.sh; rm -f config.status; } [ -f config.status ] || ./configure --enable-debug --prefix=/usr "$@" make -j$(nproc) } set -e declare -a auto_actions=( setup install_sources build_sources ) echo "About to perform '$action'..." >/dev/tty case "$action" in init) # this one is ran locally! completed=off ssh-copy-id "root@$node" >/dev/null 2>&1 scp "$script" "root@$node:" there "./$name" "$node" auto ;; auto) yum -y update for a in ${auto_actions[*]}; do if has_mark $a; then echo "Action '$a' has already performed." >/dev/tty continue fi $0 $node $a done completed=yes ;; setup) echo "$node" > /etc/hostname echo -e "$MGS\tmgs" >> /etc/hosts hostname "$node" sed -i '/^SELINUX=/s/.*/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config if ! systemctl status firewalld | grep disabled; then systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld fi yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools' yum -y install epel-release yum -y install vim mlocate yum -y install ${zfs_depends[*]} # yum -y install ${lustre_depends[*]} centos_release=$(tr -s '[ \t]' '\t' < /etc/centos-release | cut -f4) kernel_version=$(uname -r | sed -e '1,$s/\.'`uname -m`'$//g' -) src_rpm="http://vault.centos.org/${centos_release}/os/Source/SPackages/kernel-${kernel_version}.src.rpm" # rpm -ivh "$src_rpm" completed=yes ;; install_sources) for prog in spl zfs lustre-release; do url=${git_repos[$prog]} cd ~ [ -d "$prog/." ] && { echo "'$prog' is already here.">/dev/tty; continue; } echo "Cloning '$prog' from '$url' ..." >/dev/tty git clone "$url" cd $prog git fetch --all branch=${git_branches[$prog]} [ -n "$branch" ] && { git checkout "$branch"; git pull; } done completed=yes ;; build_sources) cd ~ cwd=$(pwd) for prog in spl zfs lustre-release; do echo "About to build '$prog'...">/dev/tty cd ~/$prog/ declare -a extra_args=() case $prog in # specific setup spl) # automagically configured ;; zfs) # use 'with-linux' as it was in spl build krn_src=$(grep '^LINUX = ' $cwd/spl/Makefile | tr -d '[ \t]' | cut -d= -f2) extra_args=( "--with-linux=${krn_src}" "--with-spl=$cwd/spl" ) ;; lustre-release) # use 'with-linux' as it was in zfs build krn_src=$(grep '^LINUX = ' $cwd/zfs/Makefile | tr -d '[ \t]' | cut -d= -f2) extra_args=( "--with-linux=${krn_src}" "--disable-ldiskfs" "--with-spl=$cwd/spl" "--with-zfs=$cwd/zfs" ) ;; esac perform_build ${extra_args[*]} case $prog in # specific setup spl) cat $cwd/$prog/$prog.release;; zfs) cat $cwd/$prog/$prog.release;; lustre-release) cat $cwd/$prog/LUSTRE-VERSION-FILE;; esac done completed=yes ;; install_bins) cd ~ cwd=$(pwd) for prog in spl zfs lustre-release; do echo "About to install '$prog'...">/dev/tty make -s -C ~/$prog/ install done ldconfig modprobe -v zfs completed=off ;; *) error 1 "Cannot perform '$action'.";; esac echo "Now you may 'ssh root@$node' after '$action' now.">/dev/tty # EOF #