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  1. Lustre
  2. LU-12321

Unlink speed needs to be improved in DoM configuration



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • Lustre 2.14.0
    • Lustre 2.13.0
    • None
    • 3
    • 9223372036854775807


      In DoM configuration, unlink speed is much slower (~35%) than Non-DOM configuration.
      Here is test resutls with DNE2 with/without DoM.
      Number of MDT and OST are four each. So, in theory, unlink speed in DoM configuration can be same as non-DOM configuration or even faster.
      Here is test resutls.

      DNE2(4xMDS/4MDT) without DOM, 4 x OSS(4xOST) and 32 clients

      [root@c01 ~]# lfs setdirstripe -c 4 /cache1/out
      [root@c01 ~]# lfs setdirstripe -c 4 -D /cache1/out
      [root@c01 ~]# salloc --nodes=32 --ntasks-per-node=24 mpirun --allow-run-as-root /work/tools/bin/mdtest -F -n 2000 -u -d /cache1/out -vv -C -r -i 3 -p 10
      SUMMARY rate: (of 3 iterations)
         Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
         ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------
         File creation     :     155882.494     129033.204     140708.430      11235.756
         File stat         :          0.000          0.000          0.000          0.000
         File read         :          0.000          0.000          0.000          0.000
         File removal      :     240765.928     202754.538     226744.942      17032.855
         Tree creation     :          6.561          1.119          3.005          2.516
         Tree removal      :          5.832          5.215          5.600          0.274

      DNE2(4xMDS/4MDT) with DOM, 4 x OSS(4xOST) and 32 clients

      [root@c01 ~]# lfs setdirstripe -c 4 /cache1/out
      [root@c01 ~]# lfs setdirstripe -c 4 -D /cache1/out
      [root@c01 ~]# lfs setstripe -L mdt -E 1M /cache1/out
      [root@c01 ~]# salloc --nodes=32 --ntasks-per-node=24 mpirun --allow-run-as-root /work/tools/bin/mdtest -F -n 2000 -u -d /cache1/out -vv -C -r -i 3 -p 10
      SUMMARY rate: (of 3 iterations)
         Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
         ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------
         File creation     :     142402.513     128265.451     135515.522       5739.604
         File stat         :          0.000          0.000          0.000          0.000
         File read         :          0.000          0.000          0.000          0.000
         File removal      :     149165.342     140330.903     144402.349       3595.289
         Tree creation     :         11.520          2.585          5.571          4.206
         Tree removal      :          5.491          4.100          4.606          0.628


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              tappro Mikhail Pershin
              sihara Shuichi Ihara
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

