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  1. Lustre
  2. LU-17694

sanity-compr test_184d: last component index number got assigned even if it was not used after layout swap



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Minor
    • None
    • None
    • 3
    • 9223372036854775807


      This issue was created by maloo for sarah <sarah@whamcloud.com>

      This issue relates to the following test suite run: https://testing.whamcloud.com/test_sets/7b32c252-7710-4d4e-a06b-1a7b3509b5a7

      test_184d failed with the following error:

      lovea  -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i -1 !=  -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i 2

      Test session details:
      clients: https://build.whamcloud.com/job/lustre-reviews/102975 - 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64
      servers: https://build.whamcloud.com/job/lustre-reviews/102975 - 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_lustre.x86_64

      <<Please provide additional information about the failure here>>

      After doing swap layout, compare the components of 2 files, the last component's index from -1 changed to a specific number even that part of component not been used yet.

      == sanity test 184d: allow stripeless layouts swap ======= 12:27:47 (1709987267)
      Succeed in opening file "/mnt/lustre/d184d.sanity/f184d.sanity-2"(flags=O_CREAT)
      Succeed in opening file "/mnt/lustre/d184d.sanity/f184d.sanity-3"(flags=O_CREAT)
       -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i -1
       -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i 2
       sanity test_184d: @@@@@@ FAIL: lovea  -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i -1 !=  -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i 2 
        Trace dump:
        = /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/test-framework.sh:6975:error()
        = sanity.sh:20111:test_184d()
        = /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/test-framework.sh:7315:run_one()
        = /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/test-framework.sh:7375:run_one_logged()
        = /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/test-framework.sh:7201:run_test()
        = sanity.sh:20116:main()

      VVVVVVV DO NOT REMOVE LINES BELOW, Added by Maloo for auto-association VVVVVVV
      sanity-compr test_184d - lovea -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i -1 != -E 1048576 -c 1 -S 1048576 -L raid0 -i 1 -E -1 -c 1 -S 4194304 -L raid0 -i


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              wc-triage WC Triage
              maloo Maloo
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

