Resolution: Unresolved
This is a sanity check question. NSC sees no reason the method described below should not work, but due to the high impact a failure would have we'd like a second opinion. We have scheduled downtime to execute it Thursday next week, 26 Jan.
To sort out the fallout of LU-8953 (out of inodes on ZFS MDT solved by adding more disks to the pool) we need to recreate the original pool. The reason we ran out of inodes was that when the vendor sent us hardware for the latest expansion that was supposed to be equivalent to the last shipment the SSD had switched from reporting 512b blocks to 4k blocks. Since I had not hardcoded ashift we ended up with 6-8 times fewer inodes and this was missed in testing.
There isn't enough slots in the MDSs to solve this by throwing HW at it as a permanent solution, so I need to move all data from pools with ashift=12 to ashift=9. Do you see any problem with just doing the following:
(The funny device names come from running LVM just to get more easily identifiable names)
Unmount the filesystem on all nodes then run something like this for each mdt that needs fixing:
umount lustre-mdt0/fouo6
zfs snapshot lustre-mdt0/fouo6@copythis
zpool create lustre-mdt-tmp -o ashift=9 mirror \
/dev/new_sdr/mdt_fouo6new_sdr \
zfs send -R lustre-mdt0/fouo6@copythis | zfs recv lustre-mdt-tmp/fouo6tmp
zpool destroy lustre-REMOVETHIS-mdt0
zpool create lustre-mdt0/fouo6 -o ashift=9 \
mirror /dev/mds9_sdm/mdt_fouo6_sdm /dev/mds9_sdn/mdt_fouo6_sdn \
mirror /dev/mds9_sdo/mdt_fouo6_sdo /dev/mds9_sdp/mdt_fouo6_sdp
zfs send -R lustre-mdt-tmp/fouo6tmp@copythis | zfs recv lustre-mdt0/fouo6
mount -t lustre lustre-mdt0/fouo6 /mnt/lustre/local/fouo6
zpool destroy lustre-mdt-tmp
The "REMOVETHIS-" inserted due to desktop copy buffer paranoia should be removed before running of course.
Issue Links
- is related to
LUDOC-161 document backup/restore process for ZFS backing filesystems
- Resolved
The ZFS oddity seems to be unrelated to the recreation of the filesystems, so I'll track that separately if needed.
This concludes this issue from my side. Thanks for the help everyone!