The lfs(1) and lctl(8) man pages should be split up because they are huge and unwieldy, and as a result each of the sub-commands is given too little space for its description, arguments, and examples. It is also confusing to separate the SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, and EXAMPLES for each of the sub-commands. Finally, we couldn't clearly describe the availability of each sub-command for changes to make the various Lustre man pages more complete and consistent.
There should be a single page of the form lfs-getstripe.1 or lfs-df.1 for each sub-command. In some cases, very similar commands may share a single page, but e.g. lfs-setstripe.1 should reference lfs-getstripe.1 so that it can be found easily.
In particular, I'd like the man pages to follow the simple nroff and groff style of using ".I", ".B", ".IR", ".BR" so that function_names(), --option-flags, and other specific strings are bold, user-supplied arguments and variables are UPPERCASE_ITALIC, and delineators like "[|]" are regular text:
.SH SYNOPSIS .B lfs_migrate .RB [ -c | -s ] .RB [ -h ] .RB [ -l ] .RB [ -n ] .RB [ -y ] .RI [ FILE | DIRECTORY ...]
Each man page should have the standard sections:
SYNOPSIS - one-line summary of command - optional one-line summary of aliases DESCRIPTION - good description of what the command does OPTIONS - describe all options and their arguments ENVIRONMENT - optional section to describe environment variables affecting behaviour RETURN VALUES - describe return values and their causes ERRORS - optional section for API man pages (section 3) to describe return values like: [ERRNO] description of error EXAMPLES - real-world usage examples KNOWN BUGS - optional section to list any known bugs AVAILABILITY - that it is part of lustre(7) - which Lustre release it appeared in SEE ALSO - other man pages referenced by this one - related Lustre and non-lustre commands/man pages
References to other commands' man pages should be in the form
.BR lfs (1)
See and for examples on how to write good man pages.
Issue Links
- is related to
LU-5170 lfs usability
- Open
LUDOC-134 Completely document all lctl and lfs command options
- Resolved
LU-4959 "lfs|lctl {function} --help" should show "lfs-{function}" man page
- Open
LU-11048 lctl pool commands have no man pages
- Resolved
LU-6051 "lfs_migrate" improvements
- Resolved
LU-9378 extract lfs-getstripe.1 from lfs.1
- Resolved
LU-18148 Add lctl-llog_remove man page
- Resolved
- is related to
LU-7648 split lctl lfsck sub-commands to new man pages
- Resolved
LU-8920 don't print permanently deactivated OSTs in lfs df output
- Resolved