
    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Minor
    • Lustre 2.8.0
    • Lustre 2.7.0
    • arm64
    • 9223372036854775807


      Expand lustre to support the ARM64 platform.

      A first patch will be submitted shortly to enable basic compilation:

      • the architecture is reported as aarch64 so add that support to lustre-build-linux.m4,
      • for the Red Hat/Fedora packaging, strip the aarch64 suffix for the required kernel,
      • add definitions for lstat_t, lstat_f, fstat_f and fstatat_f for aarch64 architecture in lustre/include/lustre/lustre_user.h.

      Moreover, the SYS_chown syscall is not available on arm64 (because as __ARCH_WANT_SYSCALL_NO_AT is not defined, __NR_chown is not defined in /usr/include/asm-generic/unistd.h). So the following call in lustre/utils/liblustreapi.c must be modified:

      /* libc chown() will do extra check, and if the real owner is

      • the same as the ones to set, it won't fall into kernel, so
      • invoke syscall directly. */
        rc = syscall(SYS_chown, path, -1, -1);

      This leaves several options:

      • the code dates back to 2007, glibc has evolved since then and it can be replaced with `chown()`.
      • replace it with `syscall(SYS_openat, ...)` and `syscall(SYS_fchownat, ...)`.
      • add `#ifdef _aarch64_` and a call to `chown()`.

      Does someone more qualified have an opinion?


        Issue Links


            [LU-6766] add support for arm64

            Landed for 2.8.

            jgmitter Joseph Gmitter (Inactive) added a comment - Landed for 2.8.

            Oleg Drokin ( merged in patch
            Subject: LU-6766 build: add support for arm64
            Project: fs/lustre-release
            Branch: master
            Current Patch Set:
            Commit: 79ec8eaa7b83e522f754bc685110915ad216e548

            gerrit Gerrit Updater added a comment - Oleg Drokin ( merged in patch Subject: LU-6766 build: add support for arm64 Project: fs/lustre-release Branch: master Current Patch Set: Commit: 79ec8eaa7b83e522f754bc685110915ad216e548
            pjones Peter Jones added a comment -


            It is still possible for this patch to make 2.8. The FixVersion change reflects that code freeze is approaching and the remaining fix is not critical to include. As I understand it, communication has been sent directly to CEA outside of this ticket about this remaining patch. As you have sent me a note directly, let's work out these details on that thread and then re-post hear when we have reached a conclusion.



            pjones Peter Jones added a comment - Aurelien It is still possible for this patch to make 2.8. The FixVersion change reflects that code freeze is approaching and the remaining fix is not critical to include. As I understand it, communication has been sent directly to CEA outside of this ticket about this remaining patch. As you have sent me a note directly, let's work out these details on that thread and then re-post hear when we have reached a conclusion. Thanks Peter

            This was just moved to 2.9 as the code freeze is approaching I assume.
            However this patch and fix for this ticket is very ready for a while now without any issue at all.

            I disappointed this patch is going to miss this window as it was ready for a while and it has only green lights and nobody really raised an problem...

            adegremont Aurelien Degremont (Inactive) added a comment - This was just moved to 2.9 as the code freeze is approaching I assume. However this patch and fix for this ticket is very ready for a while now without any issue at all. I disappointed this patch is going to miss this window as it was ready for a while and it has only green lights and nobody really raised an problem...

            Only one of the 2 patches for this ticket is landed.

   has all green lights and 3x "+1" (2 from Intel devs and 1 from James Simmons).

            Is there any reason I missed preventing this 7-line patch from landing?

            adegremont Aurelien Degremont (Inactive) added a comment - Only one of the 2 patches for this ticket is landed. has all green lights and 3x "+1" (2 from Intel devs and 1 from James Simmons). Is there any reason I missed preventing this 7-line patch from landing?
            pjones Peter Jones added a comment -


            pjones Peter Jones added a comment - Apologies

            The issue is not resolved: the main patch has not been merged yet.

            aguignard Arnaud Guignard added a comment - The issue is not resolved: the main patch has not been merged yet.
            pjones Peter Jones added a comment -

            Landed for 2.8

            pjones Peter Jones added a comment - Landed for 2.8

            Oleg Drokin ( merged in patch
            Subject: LU-6766 utils: remove llapi_quotachown() and cb_quotachown()
            Project: fs/lustre-release
            Branch: master
            Current Patch Set:
            Commit: fd6f11c92e2f6f54384d1ebd3474a77b0c0ded95

            gerrit Gerrit Updater added a comment - Oleg Drokin ( merged in patch Subject: LU-6766 utils: remove llapi_quotachown() and cb_quotachown() Project: fs/lustre-release Branch: master Current Patch Set: Commit: fd6f11c92e2f6f54384d1ebd3474a77b0c0ded95

            These 2 patches ables Lustre to try to built on ARM64. There is no bitwise related code in theses patches. Just adding aarch64 to the list where architecture are managed.

            For now, the client code runs on our ARM64 nodes. We agree there is no guarantee the code is fully ARM64 compatible. But, anyway, this architecture is not officially supported. Let's fix the built code which currently prevent Lustre from building on ARM64. This is the first step to have a broader testing of Lustre code on this arch. If it is easy to test it, more people will do it. Eventually this arch will be fully debugged and official.
            Theses patches do not add several new files/headers specific for this arch.

            adegremont Aurelien Degremont (Inactive) added a comment - These 2 patches ables Lustre to try to built on ARM64. There is no bitwise related code in theses patches. Just adding aarch64 to the list where architecture are managed. For now, the client code runs on our ARM64 nodes. We agree there is no guarantee the code is fully ARM64 compatible. But, anyway, this architecture is not officially supported. Let's fix the built code which currently prevent Lustre from building on ARM64. This is the first step to have a broader testing of Lustre code on this arch. If it is easy to test it, more people will do it. Eventually this arch will be fully debugged and official. Theses patches do not add several new files/headers specific for this arch.


              wc-triage WC Triage
              aguignard Arnaud Guignard
              0 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue

