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add description for filesystem-wide default directory stripingLUDOC-494
Clarify when setting lnet route hops is required for Lustre 2.12 and Lustre 2.14LUDOC-493
Update nodemap section to reflect recent changesLUDOC-492
map_mode missing ?LUDOC-490
Remote directory as subdirectory mount is slowLUDOC-489
Remote directory as subdirectory mount is slowLUDOC-488
Add fallocate section under "Lustre Maintenance"LUDOC-487
Document llite.*.fallocate_zero_blocks tunableLUDOC-485
document llite.*.read_ahead_range_kb parameterLUDOC-484
Describe 'identity_flush' in section 41.1LUDOC-483
"18.4. Restoring a File-Level Backup" replaces_nids instructions incorrectLUDOC-482
Document that ea_inode cannot be removedLUDOC-481
OSS memory requirements do not add up (section
Add enable/disable LNet MR/discovery settings, if not there.LUDOC-479
Need LNet clarificationsLUDOC-478
Update Section 39.3.2. Monitoring Client Activity to include newer statsLUDOC-477
Add documentation for client-side encryptionLUDOC-476
Missing word/number in Operations ManualLUDOC-475
Add note about lfs syntax changes for Lustre 2.6LUDOC-474
Add content regarding modifying a non-default quota to the default quota.LUDOC-473
noflock mount options default is notLUDOC-472
Add new OSS write through cache parametersLUDOC-471
tunefs.lustre documentation with faulty exampleLUDOC-470
Aborting Recovery section should document lctl abort_recoveryLUDOC-469
correct description of "Non Blocking Restore" HSM policyLUDOC-468
Add feature documentation for Pool QuotasLUDOC-466
Add resize2fs description/example to manualLUDOC-465
Add feature documentation for foreign layoutLUDOC-464
replace_nids documentation could be more clear about format of nid listLUDOC-463
Add feature documentation for Erasure CodingLUDOC-462
Add feature documentation for directory restripeLUDOC-461
Duplicate "Adding a New OST" 14.8 & 23.3LUDOC-460
document statfs functionality for project quotasLUDOC-459
Add PCC RO documentationLUDOC-458
Inode ratio size ldiskfsLUDOC-457
readcache max file size moved in 2.12.x and newerLUDOC-456
Update the xml ids throughout the manualLUDOC-455
Document mdt.*.readonly parameterLUDOC-454
Attempt to create existing net returns EINVALLUDOC-453
Documentation for enable_striped_dir is missingLUDOC-452
Documentation for enable_remote_rename is missingLUDOC-451
Documentation for enable_dir_migration is missingLUDOC-450
Trivial typo in Operations ManualLUDOC-449
svg files not rendering correctly in Microsoft Edge BrowserLUDOC-448
improve description of filesystem limitsLUDOC-447
Links not workingLUDOC-446
Lustre server rolling upgradesLUDOC-445
Trivial typo in Operations ManualLUDOC-444
Trivial typo in Operations Manual